Now, can you help loving them?

Take a typical situation. You publish a scan of a handmade albumen print on a reputable portal in the internet, including a full description containing information about the technique used to make the print, the camera and the negative used. You would expect some sort of discussion about the image, maybe a few remarks about the composition; be it critical or not. At worst, you expect silence. But no, this is the comment you get:

” In my opinion a poorly stylised imitation of an old photograph. Too much contrast; blown out highlights on the belly, on the thigh. No detail in deep shadows. Nice composition though the execution is imperfect. Putting on a filter imitating old photos (never thought something like this even existed) will automatically improve the pictures. in the past contact prints were made which were characterised by very subtle tonality in the highlights (opposite to the digital sensor).

Love those Internet Masters, experts on everything who always have  some brilliant piece of criticism. They have heard something, have seen something, somewhere but aren’t quite sure what and where, but what is there to stop them making, bold, strong statements. Maybe someone will notice, reember, aplaud? At least this is the motivation I am guessing at cause it is hard to think of any other.

Who cares about the motivation though. Thank you for the daily dose of humour, haven’t had so much laugh for a while. And can you help loving them? So much fun on a Saturday evening.